Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days of Posting!

Well well, looks like I found my blog again. :) (Kind of true I had to google my own name to find it--lol!) I joined a FB group called write31days. For the month of October everyone writes for 31 days on their blog. I am not officially joining, because I'm not in a commitment place right now (I have enough on my plate), but it did push me into remembering my blog. I have so many things I want to share and things I want to say, but I never do it because I feel like I don't have enough time to gather my thoughts, and get pretty enough pictures, and edit them, etc, etc...

Some days there might be a list, some days there might be a picture, some days I might type too much, but I am going to try really really hard to commit to 31 days. I don't really have a theme except for "Made Me Happy."

I guess I have been living under a rock, because I just found out about Periscope like last week. OMGGGEEEEEE. I am so in love with it. There is a teacher on there, thewhimiscialteacher, who I am pretty sure we would be fantastic friends. I honestly kind of view her as a celebrity lol. She is funny and so easy to relate to. I look forward to her Periscopes!

I did one. It was tough. My face looked so huge. I got flustered. I didn't know what to say. Reading the comments on the screen while thinking and talking was a bit too much. I will try again later :)

I did get a really amazing idea from these two teachers' Periscope at the Ron Clark Academy, the King's. ( did this super fantastic over the top lesson with life science and Jurassic Park. I was blown away and my wheels got spinning-- how can I do this, when can I fit something like this is! I teach Life Science in the spring like March, but I wanted to try with space/starts/planets the same concept.

I am going to do a whole themed day about space. I don't think I am going to connect it to a specific movie, but use different movie clips. Youtube a video that looks like a rocket ship take off from first person POV, decorate desks like a spaceship, have students run out of fuel, do a task to find out the size, color, heat of stars, use articles to read about the planets... So much on my mind! I have a friend at work I am bouncing ideas with. I really hope it turns out to be even better than I am imaging (and can get pulled off without spending a fortune!)

Think Happy, Be Happy!